Admission Test Pattern

Test Pattern for

School Admission

Test for admission will be conducted on 24th March 2024 and 31st March 2024. Syllabus is given below :

For 10+2 Medical / Non-Medical

Students are directed to revise only following units for entrance exam :

Physics: 1
  1. Kinematics (4 Marks)
  2. Laws of Motion (3 Marks)
  3. Gravitation (3 Marks)
  4. Properties of Bulk Matter (3 Marks)
  5. Kinetic Theory of Gases (2 Marks)

Unit III (5 Marks)  Cell- Structure and Function  ,Chapter -8: Cell –The unit of life, Chapter -9: Cell cycle and cell division

Unit IV (5 Marks)     Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in higher Plant, Chapter -14: Respiration in plant, Chapter -15: Plant growth and development

Unit V (5 Marks) Chapter -17: Breathing and Exchange of gases, Chapter-18: Body fluids and circulation , Chapter -19: Excretory products and their elimination, Chapter -20: Locomotion and movement, Chapter -21: Neural Control and Co-ordination

  1. Relations and Functions (2 Marks)
  2. Trigonometric Functions (3 Marks)
  3. Permutations and Combination (1 Mark)
  4. Straight Lines (1 Mark)
  5. Conic Sections (3 Marks)
  6. Limits and Derivatives (3 Marks)
  7. Probability (2 Marks)
  1. Structure of atom (4 Marks)
  2. Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties (4 Marks)
  3. Chemical Bonding and molecular structure (2 Marks)
  4. Redox Reactions (2 Marks)
  5. Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Concepts and Principles (3 Marks)

The question paper in each subject is of 15 Marks and contains very short answer questions(1 Mark) and short answer question (2 Marks) on the course content of class XI.

For 10+1 Class

Test for provisional admission is conducted in the subjects Science (Phy,Chem,Bio) (30marks), Maths (20 Marks), and English (10 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of class X.

The admission is regularsied after the declaration of matric result provided the student satisfies the eligibility conditions.

Question Paper comprising of 1 mark and 2 marks questions only.

For Detailed Syllabus Click Here

For 10th Class

Test for 10th class admission is conducted in the subjects Science (Phy,Chem,Bio) (15marks), Maths (15 Marks), Hindi Grammar (5 Marks) and English Grammar (10 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of class IX.

For Detailed Syllabus Click Here

For 7th to 9th Classes

Test for these classes admission is conducted in the subjects Science (10marks), Maths (10 Marks), Hindi Grammar (5 Marks) and English Grammar (10 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of previous class.

For 7th Class Syllabus Click Here

For 8th Class Syllabus Click Here

For 9th Class Syllabus Click Here

For 6th Class

Test for 6th class admission is conducted in the subjects Science (10marks), Maths (8 Marks), Hindi Grammar (5 Marks) and English Grammar (7 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of 5th class.

For 6th Syllabus Click Here

For 5th Class

Test for 5th class admission is conducted in the subjects Science (5 marks), Maths (8 Marks), Hindi Grammar (5 Marks) and English Grammar (7 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of 4th class.

For 5th Class Syllabus Click Here

For 2nd, 3rd & 4th Class

Test for 2nd, 3rd and 4th class admission is conducted in the subjects Maths (8 Marks), Hindi Grammar (5 Marks) and English Grammar (7 Marks). Questions are based on the course content of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class respectively.

For 2nd Class Syllabus Click Here

For 3rd Class Syllabus Click Here

For 4th Class Syllabus Click Here